April to May

April 2 to April 5

- In the trascurso of the ninth week of Englishman one was working the only topic called progressive present which we develop it with a leaf on since this activity is and works but also there was included the practice of the pronunciation of this subject matter that they can find her in this digital portfolio in the eyelash of activities.
- I felt satisfied because we revise topics already seen in the Englishman's area.

April 9 to April 12

- During the course of the tenth one was working week of Englishman with the Englishman's books with the page that describes the scene or environment of a place and that the persons do in the moment.
- in this process aprendio mas of since a place is scanned.

April 23 to April 26

- In the first tenth week of Englishman they worked the evaluations of the oral Physical Apperance that was for equipments and written that it was individual to confirm if we manage to understand to the perfection the topic; and the presentation of the minibook that I realize weeks ago behind of oral form that also I develop of individual form.
- me senti to regulate, since I in presenting works or examinations in oral form am not most indicated.

April 30 to May 3

- The eleventh week we were solving the mysteries with regard to the work of feelings, correcting mistakes that we might have on having had solved the document and one gave up to oral practice of this.
- With regard to the activity it was educational enough since we strengthened our vocalization and comprehension.

 May 7 to May 10 and May 14 to May 17

- The twelfth one and The trigésima week of Englishman we devote ourselves to understand better the topic of simple present and constant present by means of a presentation in slides with a list of eighteen prayer between affirmative and interrogative in order to know the verb in that time this one.
- The activity was good because it allowed us to treat the topic as habiamos understood in the last years.

 May 21 to May 24

- Her tenth fourth week the first thing in developing was to extract the verbs in ing that we were finding in the image of the page 15 of the book of world link; and the second thing was to continue showing the slides the simple and constant present in a table of comparisons