September to October

September 3 to September 4

The only exercise that gave place in the ninth week of the second semester was the Englishman's partial one that was consisting that in equipments the song of the rap exposed in pronunciation verb that the teacher Martha taught us weeks behind.

September 18 to September 21

As in the previous week the only one topic or the only subject matter that was given to enterder or devatir was the exercise of the activity that the teacher us encomendo to look in youtube that was the the english verb you tighten which contenia the times of the verbs which with my opinion was an a bit complicated task.

September 25 to September 28

In the eleventh week of the Englishman's second semester emprendio a new topic which was calling itself " life experience " that consistia in describing our past to form of questions and as one small detail gave to us a main activity which was that by means of a leaf where they were asking what we did in the past as for example that we do in the mornings, when eramos children, that it was worse what I spend to us; and a comparison of what haciamos before, we continue doing and we will continue doing.

October 2 to October 5

In the course she tenth is done again week by the first thing that we saw it was a video of rhymes for learning english where we meditate like hacian you rhyme in English and of there we were put by the task of meeting in groups of to three again to do this activity that consistia in cutting the video in parts and to distribute them between the groups in order that every equipment was saying a series of the heaps of the video and to do it mas understandable debian to do videoes illustrating every heap; and the second thing was the topic of abjectives, comparatives and superlatives that also we understood for a document and a video.