Express yourself
1 vocabulary link
How do they feel?
A) Pair work. How do these people feel? Match a word in the box with a person in the picture. Take turns telling your partner.
SynonymsHappy = glad Angry = mad Nervous = worried/stressed Scared = afraid Feelings |
3.angry 4.nervous 5.sad 6.scared 7.embarrassed |
The man in the cafeteria is boring.
The woman in the blue pants is happy.
The woman in the red coat is happy.
The girl in the blue skirt is worried.
The man in the red car is afraid.
The man cab driver is angry.
The dog is barking.
The old lady is glad.
The man with suitcase is embarrassed.
The woman with straight hair is goodbye.
The girl in the bus is sad.
B Look at the picture again. What are the people doing?
Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box.
Smile laugh(reir) yell(grito, alarido) blush(ruborizarse) cry(llorar) frown(fruncir el ceño)
1.the woman in the red coat is smiling.
2.the woman in the blue jeans is laughing.
3.the child on the bus is crying.
4.the businessman is blushing.
5.the cab driver is frowning.
6.the driver in front of the cab is yelling.